The 5 Most Fascinating Things I Learned about Lions on World Lion Day

The 5 Most Fascinating Things I Learned about Lions on World Lion Day

Lions: The Original Kings of Chill, Speed, and Sass

I know what you're thinking, Lions?  What about Beards and Sasquatch... You have to give credit where credit is due, the long luxurious manes on these kings of the jungle is nothing to scoff about.  

The Mane Attraction
Ever wondered why male lions have those glorious manes? It’s not just a wild hairdo they’re sporting for the jungle prom. Nope, that mane is like their Tinder profile pic—letting the ladies know they're fit, healthy, and ready to rumble. It’s basically nature's way of saying, "Swipe right for a strong, handsome king who can also win in a brawl." And to the other male lions? It's a warning: "This hair says I've won more fights than you've had meals, so back off, buddy."

Roaring Across the Serengeti (and Beyond)
When a lion roars, it's not just a “hear me roar” moment—it’s more of a "Hey, did you hear that? Yeah, that was me. I’m awesome." Their roars can be heard up to 8 kilometers away, which is roughly 5 miles if you’re on the imperial system. It’s the lion's way of reminding everyone within earshot (and sometimes even those not within earshot) who's boss around here. Imagine being able to shout "I’m the king!" from your couch and your neighbors five blocks over being like, "Yup, he's still the king."

The Need for Speed
You might think cheetahs are the fastest cats around, but lions aren't exactly slowpokes. These big cats can hit speeds of up to 80 km/h (50 mph) when they're in hot pursuit of dinner—or, you know, when someone says the last gazelle is up for grabs. They don’t keep it up for long, though; think of it as the world's most intense sprint to the buffet line.

The Ultimate Lounge Lizard (or Lion)
When lions aren't showing off their speed or scaring the daylights out of the neighborhood with their roars, they’re perfecting the art of relaxation. These big cats know how to kick back better than most of us on a Sunday afternoon. They can spend up to 20 hours a day doing absolutely nothing. So, the next time someone gives you grief for being a couch potato, just remind them you’re channeling your inner lion.

The Carnivore’s Delight
Lions are all about the meat. They didn’t climb to the top of the food chain to eat salad, after all. Their diet consists mainly of large herbivores, which means they’re basically nature’s most epic barbecue enthusiasts. While they might occasionally snack on smaller critters, they’re really in it for the big, juicy steaks. Vegetarians, beware—this is not your crowd.

So if you take nothing else from World Lion Day remember be like a lion and keep your mane healthy and glorious.

A well-groomed beard is a labor of love and consistency. Keep up with our blog for more tips, and don’t forget to follow us on social media—because a great beard deserves to be flaunted!

The Bearded Blogger


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